The Academic Plan is required, because your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeal was approved by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. In order for you to continue to receive financial aid on a probationary status, you must submit this form. Your plan should reflect the coursework you plan to take for the enxt three semesters of enrollment at HERITAGE UNIVERSITY. When creating this plan with your academic advisor, you should keep in mind that the goal of this plan is to assist you in meeting the standards of satisfactory grade in a course or complete the necessary number of credits, your financial aid will be terminated.
You may not change your academic plan without first consulting with your advisor. If a change should be necessary, the advisor may email these changes to your Financial Aid Program Coordinator. In some cases, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships may require that a revised academic plan be submitted. You and your advisor are encouraged to maintain a copy of this form. Please be respectful of your advisor's time. Schedule an appointment or call ahead of time to let them know you need assistance in completing this form. You may be asked to submit additional Academic Plans if you are still not meeting SAP standards once this coursework is completed.